though we travel the world over

I am really lucky to travel a lot, and I know I shouldn’t complain, but I think a few like minded travelling souls might identify with the pain of the post holiday blues. I have been really struggling since we returned from Malta earlier this month. It was meant to help us combat the gloom of Winter, but flying back from 28 degree heat in Malta, into cold November drizzle hit me hard. Perhaps going to World Travel Market on four hours sleep after a flight delay wasn’t the best plan either. There are so many other places I want to be right now.

So I decided to ask around, to see how others combat the post holiday blues.


I asked the rest of the SIYC team how to banish the post holiday blues

Alison said…Plan lots of nice things into your day – even if you’re just peppering work with cups of coffee and cake.

Helen said…Book another one.

Katie joked…Don’t go to World Travel Market the day after you come back!


I asked some travel, craft and lifestyle bloggers how they plan to combat the post holiday blues

We always have a small treat like a meal out to cheer us up the day we get home’ Cass Frugal Family

Before I leave on the holiday I make sure there is something booked in the calendar to look forward to a few days later or the following weekend after we get back. I always make sure we have a freezer meal at home in case of delays or just tiredness. Mari, Mari’s World.

Make a photobook of the holiday you were just on, and look back at the memories that you made. That’s a really positive thing. Keep it as a coffee table book, so whenever you are feeling blue, you can remember what fun you had, and keep in your mind. Amanda The Ana Mum Diary

Make a holiday scrapbook, or these days I blog about it Jennifer, Jennifer’s Little World

Something small but indulgent … like splurge on a massage! Puts you back in that holiday mood.  Susanna, Britmums and A Modern Mother 

We usually do something nice at home – invite friends for lunch, go out with the kids on our bikes, play footy in the park…just something to make us all smile Helen, KiddyCharts

Send yourself a postcard home on at the end of the holiday. It will arrive 5-7 days later and remind you what a great time you had. Liz, Me and My Shadow


Post holiday blues tips tested out

It was too late to test all of these theories, but I will be taking these tips on board before we go next time – the freezer will be full of meals before (rather than two weeks after when things hit crisis point!), and I will make sure some treats are planned, or seized on our return. I’m also making sure my schedule allows time to actually recover from a holiday.

I did try a few…

I’ve been scheduling breaks into my day, time to reflect, drink hot chocolate and eat cake. I might have had a couple of siestas when I should have been working. I’ve been looking back over the photos with my family.

This weekend when I went to stay at Ox Pasture Hotel (a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel of November!),  I sent my kids a letter – inspired by Liz. When it came it reminded me how much I had relaxed there and how much I had missed my kids too.

Plus, I’ve started to plan the next adventure.

Amanda and Jennifer inspired me too, I sat down with all my video clips and let myself have a laugh (and a little cry – the world is so beautiful) while I made this video of our trip to Malta, it was very therapeutic:

I think preventing/dealing with the post holiday blues is a combination of pre planning, looking after yourself properly when you return, and allowing yourself time to do something creative with the memories.

You might like our travel quotes board on Pinterest, it really reminds me why I love travel and what we gain from the energy we invest in it as a family.

Do the post holiday blues affect you? How do you combat them? We would love to hear your tips.